基础建设用英语怎么说 基础建设英语翻译

发布时间:2024-11-28 21:46

基础建设用英语怎么说 基础建设英语翻译

基础建设通常被翻译为"  Physical Infrastructure"的意思,惠州家政13825404095其次还可以说成"  Foundation Building",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到93个与基础建设相关的翻译和例句。

5. information technology infrastructure(资讯技术基础建设)

3. Our transport infrastructure in the UK is farcically inadequate for a developed nation.


9. We then take the parks and lay them out as ecological infrastructure.

10. This course applies the LCA methodology to the evaluation of infrastructure.

13. KA: it seems to me, among other things, a lovely piece of civic infrastructure.

译文:库尔特: 在我看来,跟其他的建筑物相比,这是一件很可爱的市政基础建设。

14. Meetup is the platform, but the value here is in social infrastructure.

译文:Meetup只是个平台, 在这种情况下传递的价值却存在于社会基础建设中。

15. All the... vital... technology... that... this nation... holds dear... all... communications... transportation...